Network SystEm
Security & PrivAcy (NESA) Research Lab, directed by Dr. Shouling Ji, works at the intersection of AI, network systems, data
analytics, and information security fields. The lab seeks to develop theories, techniques, and systems to enable a more
secure and efficient network infrastructure, with computer systems that are more accountable and less vulnerable to
attacks and abuse.
Our current research focuses on four areas: (1) Data-Driven Security, (2) AI and Security, (3) Software and System Security, and (4) Big Data Mining and Analysis.
09/10/2024 - Our paper "FirmRCA: Towards Post-Fuzzing Analysis on ARM Embedded Firmware with Efficient Event-based Fault Localization" was accepted by IEEE S&P 2025. Congrats to Boyu!
08/31/2024 - Our paper "CLIBE: Detecting Dynamic Backdoors in Transformer-based NLP Models" was accepted by NDSS 2025. Congrats to Rui!
08/26/2024 - Our paper "A Review of Smart Fuzzing: Problem Exploration and Method Classification (智能模糊测试综述:问题探索和方法分类)" was accepted by Chinese Journal of Computers. Congrats to Qinying!
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NESA Lab looks for highly motivated undergrads, grads, and postdocs to join the group. If you are interested in our research, please come to visit our lab and/or send us your resume.
Cyber Threat/Crime Mining and Analysis; Fraud Detection and Analysis; Medical Application/Data Security and Privacy; Password Security; and CAPTCHA Security.
read moreAdversarial Learning; Machine Learning Security and Privacy; AI-aided Vulnerability Mining; Smart Fuzzing; and Secure Multi-Party Computing and Learning.
read moreGraph Privacy; Anonymization and De-anonymization; Differential Privacy; and Web Privacy..
read moreSocial Network Computing and Analytics and Graph and Network Embedding.
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